Here we will show you how to convert the ratio 1:8 to a fraction. In other words, we will convert the ratio of 1:8 to a fraction with a numerator and a denominator.
There is actually more than one answer to this problem, depending on what kind of ratio it is. 1:8 can either be a Part-to-Part ratio or a Part-to-Whole ratio. We will describe and convert both types of ratios to fractions.
A part-to-part ratio is the most common form of ratio. If the ratio 1:8 is a part-to-part ratio, it means that there is 1 of something and 8 of something else with a total of 9.
To convert a part-to-part ratio such as 1:8 as a fraction, you make the left side of the colon the numerator and the total the denominator:
1:8 → 1/9
Since there are 8 of something else, you can also make another fraction where the right side of the colon is the numerator and once again the total is the denominator:
1:8 → 8/9
A part-to-whole ratio of 1:8 means that there is 1 of something and the total is 8. It also means that there are 7 of something else. To convert a Part-to-Whole ratio such as 1:8, you replace the colon with a fraction bar to get this answer:
1:8 → 1/8
Since there are 7 of something else and still the total of 8, you can also make a 2nd fraction like this:
1:8 → 7/8
Ratio to Fraction Converter
Use this tool to convert another ratio to a fraction.
1:9 as a fraction
Here is the next ratio on our list that we have converted to a fraction.