Fraction Calculators

Fraction Calculators

Welcome to our Fraction Calculators website. Most fraction problems can be solved using one of the tools below. However, you can also check out our directory for a list of all our tools and calculators.

Fraction ±/x Fraction
This is the most common Fraction Calculator where you can add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions. Like with all the Fraction Calculators on this page, the fractions you enter can be proper or improper.


Whole Number ±/x Fraction
With this Fraction Calculator you can add, subtract, multiply and divide a whole number with a fraction. Note that when we talk about whole numbers on this page we mean positive integers.


Fraction ±/x Whole Number
This Fraction Calculator is opposite of the one above. With this Fraction Calculator you can add, subtract, multiply and divide a fraction with a whole number.


Mixed Fraction ±/x Fraction
A mixed fraction is a whole number and a fraction combined. With this Fraction Calculator you can add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed fractions with fractions.


Fraction ±/x Mixed Fraction
This is opposite of the one above. With this Fraction Calculator you can add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions with mixed fractions.


Mixed Fraction ±/x Mixed Fraction
This is the true Mixed Fraction Calculator and the most complicated of all the Fraction Calculators. Use this calculator to add, subtract, multiply and divide mixed fractions with mixed fractions.


Mixed Fraction ±/x Whole Number
This Fraction Calculator is for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing mixed fractions with whole numbers. Note that mixed fractions are also known as mixed numbers.


Whole Number ±/x Mixed Fraction
This Fraction Calculator is opposite of the one above. This Fraction Calculator is for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing whole numbers with mixed fractions.


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