Here we will explain what a number line is and show you how to represent 10/25 on a number line. We find this helpful when dealing with fractions such as 10/25, because it shows how small or large 10/25 is in relation to other numbers or values.
First of all, a number line is a straight horizontal line marked with numbers in equal intervals. It increases as you go from left to right and decreases as you go from right to left. It has positive numbers to the right of 0 and negative numbers to the left of 0.
So where does 10/25 go on a number line? The fraction 10/25 is the same as 75 divided by 40, which is 0.4. Therefore, we simply find 0.4 on our number line, like this:

Also, note that negative 10/25 would be the same distance from 0, but to the left side of 0 instead of the right side.
Fractions on a Number Line
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10/26 on a number line
Here is the next fraction on our list that we have represented on a number line for you.