What is 48/66 of a day?

Here we will show you how to calculate exactly how many hours, minutes, and seconds there are in 48/66 of a day. We will also illustrate what 48/66 of a day looks like on a pie chart.

Step 1) Calculate hours
We start by calculating the total number of whole hours in 48/66 of a day. There are 24 hours in a day. Therefore, we multiply 48/66 by 24. The whole number of the product we get is the number of hours.

48/66 × 24 = 1152/66
1152/66 = 17 5/11
= 17 hours

Step 2) Calculate minutes
Next we calculate the minutes. There are 60 minutes per hour. Therefore, we multiply the leftover fraction part from Step 1 by 60. The whole number of the product we get is the number of minutes.

5/11 × 60 = 300/11
300/11 = 27 3/11
= 27 minutes

Step 3) Calculate seconds
Finally, we calculate the seconds. There are 60 seconds per minute. Therefore, we multiply the leftover fraction part from Step 2 by 60. The product we get is the number of seconds.

3/11 × 60 = 180/11
180/11 ≈ 16.36
≈ 16.36 seconds

Now we have the hours, minutes and seconds of 48/66 of day. When we put it all together we get our answer as follows:

48/66 of a day ≈ 17 hours & 27 minutes & 16.36 seconds

Below is a pie chart showing 48/66 of day. To create the image, we first colored the whole pie in blue, and then we covered 48/66 of it in red.

Note that each pie slice above is one hour, and the whole pie is one day. Therefore, there are twenty-four slices.

Fraction of a Day Calculator
Here you can calculate another fraction of a day.

What is  /  of a day? 

What is 48/67 of a day?
Here is the next fraction of a day on our list that we have calculated and illustrated for you.

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