Here we will determine if 1/9 is greater than 0.25. Before we continue, note that 1/9 is a fraction and 0.25 is a decimal number. To compare the two values, we can either make them both fractions and then compare the values, or we can make them both decimal numbers and then compare the values.
We start by making the decimal number a fraction, so we can compare two fractions to get our answer:
Is 1/9 greater than 0.25?
0.25 as a fraction is 1/4
1/9 is not greater than 1/4
1/9 is not greater than 0.25
Next we will make the fraction a decimal number, so we compare two decimal numbers to get our answer:
Is 1/9 greater than 0.25?
1/9 as a decimal is about 0.111
0.111 is not greater than 0.25
1/9 is not greater than 0.25
There you have it. We used two methods to determine if 1/9 is greater than 0.25, with the same result: 1/9 is not greater than 0.25.
Fraction greater than Decimal?
Use this tool to determine if a fraction is greater than a decimal number.
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